
I am THAT girl!

I like to think I'm organized. Well, I like to tell myself, I'm organized...I'm not sure I'm quite there yet. This Covid pandemic has definitely shown me I have a ways to go! I remember being in a Bible Study group and one of the gals shared a short story in which the author referred to her "basement"... I have so many "basements" (and yet I live in California where NO ONE has literal basements!! lol...not funny? Just me? Okay sorry...anyhow...). You know that room(s) in your home that you would just die if anyone saw? That's your basement. Remember uber-organized Monica Geller from FRIENDS, that was super organized, everything in it's place, OCD...almost to a fault...and yet she had a closet that if you opened, you would surely have at least one item fall on your head...that was her basement!!! Anyhow, as I said, I have many basements and the Shelter in Place order, has allowed me to take the time (usually my excuse why I didn't tack

Not today, Satan

Out for my run this morning and my mind was racing. So many thoughts, so many to-dos, so many emotions. It's been on my heart for many months to start this blog...but I wouldn't do it because I was "afraid to do it wrong". I had to wait to get it right and planned out before I started...and then I realized that half of the content I wanted to share?? It had already happened...and I was still waiting "for that perfect moment" and "to have all of the answers". So back to my run...I decided I needed to silence my brain and the best way I know to do that is to listen to Christian Music...and REALLY listen. So I did...and I heard this line "when I hear that devil start talking to me, saying "Who do you think you are?" And it hit me...those insecurities, those doubts, those put-downs - that's not Alison talking, I love Me...that's not God talking, He loves Me...that's Satan talking to me and trying to tell me I am just good